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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fragrant mornings................

waking up to the sweet smell of coffee blossoms wafting thru my bedroom window the last few mornings has been my new favorite thing. Now that the blossoms are open fully and the scent stronger I can lie in bed and smell them and I would say they are a mixture of gardenia, jasmine and orange blossom. So our Kona snow is fragrant! I took a walk down our road and all the coffee plantations on the makai side of the road are in a strong bloom. We do get several blooms a year but this looks like the big one and in seven months we will get most of our picking done because those cherries will be ripe. Rain has finally come and we have a good soaking of the trees roots and of course now we have to go on a weed chasing expedition. We have a good chance of sharing the pickers. I made a wrong turn out of Lowe's yesterday and took the high road back home and none of those trees up mauka where in bloom yet. Yes the lower warmer elevations do bloom first.
That was the good news, a little accident the other day slowed Ron down some. He was pruning coffee trees and laid on the loppers a bit to much and cracked a bone in his left hand. He sees the ortho on Tues and hopes to get a small splint cast. Right now he has his arm wrapped and in a sling to keep any swelling down so this week he held the ladder for me while I climbed up and picked avocados. A first for me. I also picked some papayas on the way back. Tomorrow I'm out to pick some Kona limes. Our limes here are orange when they are ripe and reeeeally tangy! They make a good vodka & tonic though and also puts some extra zest on the avocados and papayas.

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