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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas with lightning

Seems like not long ago I wrote about thunder and lightning being an unusual event here in Hawaii. That's is what we still are told and, I guess, like all weather events around the world 'shit happens'. So this a.m. as at least 3 dozen of us gathered to take our early Christmas morning paddle lightning flashed out over the ocean. A long 7-8 seconds passed before we hear mild thunder but it was enough to keep us ashore. Too many people and too many boats to take a chance. Not all was lost though as the after paddle brunch was just held a little early. As we were exchanging holiday greetings and eating at Kahaluu beach the clouds moved further out and another beautiful day appeared.

Oh yes, now back at the farm, I am still unpacking. I think this is going to be a longer job than usual because I keep getting so many interuptions. Like yesterday when friends called and asked us to join them snorkeling and then lunch at Big Jakes BBQ. Who could pass that up?

I miss being with the grandkids. This is one of the first times we have not spent Christmas in Michigan. I think there was only one other time and that was at least 20years ago that we were in FL for Christmas with Ron's parents. So family is constantly on my mind today. I called all of them earlier but didn't get the greatest connection on the cell phone so right after this blog I'm calling again. I'm thinking we all need a webcam now so I can enjoy the presents being opened with them. And no, Glen & Shirley, we do not miss the snow. Okay, snow is nice, but to me the warm ocean is better!!!

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