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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fire Girl

Oh we went down/or I really think it is up to Michaels place this eve for pupus and drinks.(Their place is only a couple of miles from where we will be living soon.) He & Greg had guests and company plus a new arrival to the island who works with him. She spins fire. Like the Samoans and Hawaiians do. So she showed us her talents out in the yard. What a show! I told her I didn't know how much Mike paid for the show but King Kamehameha productions had a job waiting for her. Amazing, a haole doing a fire show. We asked her where she learned the art. She answered, in Amsterdam! Who would have thunk!! As always we met many interesting people tonight and talked about all the fantastic sights on this island. They were interested in our coffee knowledge. You know, how it's grown, how we process it and one of the guys was in marketing and wanted to know how we were going to market it. Well I dunno!??! I did run a few ideas by him and he seemed to think I was headed in the right direction. Who knows..............
Most if the ironman tourists have headed home and we are back to almost normal. So funny, I saw so many ironmen participants. They get their number painted on their arm and when they wash it off it is distinguishable in plain white with tanned skin surrounding it. So they are so easy to pick out.
The farmers market really seemed to be picking up this weekend. While up there with Ginny, the seller from our new farm, I noticed many new faces and they said they were just arriving and will be spending the next 3,4 or 6 months here and they came up to purchase Hawaii grown crops and coffee.
Tommorrow I will be sending our Kona Lisa Coffee label in to the Hawaii Food and Drug Adm. to make sure it passes label inspection. For those of you who got a sample, the lable basically will stay the same but I may need to make the name font larger and change the border a bit. Then I can get on with ordering stationary and business cards to match.
Meanwhile Ron keeps reading and researching all the proper techniques to coffee growing. Soon he'll be up there pruning. And so it goes, he does the hands on part and I do the marketing part. And neither one of us knows whether it will ever work but so far we are having fun trying.

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